Is there a perfect speaker?

A philosophical question but one I am currently facing. I have three setups and they all do something (but definitely not everything) perfectly. Try as I might, I can't be happy with one setup because my other setups have some superior characteristics. There seems to be a drive in audio to monogamy but I love more than one. Help.

My speakers (all monitors) are in the $3k range / amps $2k range. Is there some sort of monogamous nirvana out there or is it just more searching?
@ Tom6897, very true. Those who prefer Bose don't know how lucky they are for they have saved a lot of money.
As much as I appreciate all the great comments that have been posted on this thread I do not want to be the thread starter that does not contribute so here's my opinion. The thing about this hobby that totally captivates me is when a certain type of music is played On certain speakers and there is a fundamental rightness about it. The problem for me is that on some speakers jazz is so beautiful that tears come to my eyes but when I'm in the mood for some hip-hop those same speakers make me want to die. This is why I currently have three systems. I guess it's not really a problem but I was philosophically yearning for an answer to the question of "is there a universally perfect speaker?"

Salvador Dali said, "do not fear perfection because you will never attain it anyway." I guess I'll have to keep that in mind as I switch between speakers as I switch between songs.

I know what you're talking about. I've always tried to choose speakers that do justice to the range that I listen to, mostly classical, rock, and home theater. And I've found that some speakers are better than others at meeting my particular criteria.

But there's one respect in which I don't think that any speaker can be a good compromise -- namely, the difference between playing good recordings and crappy ones. A very revealing, accurate speaker will accurately reproduce all the artifacts on a crappy recording -- close and multi miking, commpression, distortion, presence and HF boost, splices, artificial reverb, etc. So in that sense, I don't think you can make a speaker that suits everything.

I go for accuracy with good recordings of acoustical music as my main criteria, and then accept that some recordings are going to be revealed for the messes that they are. But I think everyone makes his own compromises on this. You're fortunate that you have the room and cash to choose the best speaker for each job!
We all hear things differently.. so YES, they are a perfect speaker for all of US out there somewhere BUT first we have to find that perfect ROOM that will be perfect with our perfect speakers or our perfect speakers will not sound.. "PERFECT"