It was 50 years ago today....

...that the Beatles played their last concert on the rooftop of Apple Records.

Showing 1 response by glupson

"No group put out so much material in such a short period of time as did they..."
Unfortunately, many great, and more prolific, artists do not get their share of worldwide glory because of the language. They thrive in much smaller markets but are often far from being second class.

Except from inevitable short-lived 10-year-old-kid affection for Beatles songs that came and went, I was not a great fan and did not consider their music that great. However, I have recently bought, little by little, their mono records (from 2014). Now, I think I can understand why some people think they were great. I am still not the biggest fan, but have a new-found appreciation for their music. Comparing to stereo CDs, CDs just do not have it. Even Sgt. Pepper's is not that much overrated anymore.