Jplay vs Amarra, PC vs. Mac

So...I find myself with a dying a laptop that bluescreens when playing Jplay in hibernate mode. Now that I've heard this degree of clarity from digital audio, I can't really go back. I'm interested in hearing if anyone has been able to compare Jplay to Amarra or the other Mac audiophile proggies.

My big issue with Mac is that I have PC desktop, on which most of my music is stored. I am not a huge fan of iTunes either, particularly as it doesn't support FLAC and most of my music is in FLAC. I could get a server, but this seems like overkill, or alternately an external USB drive.

Showing 3 responses by zd542

"BSOD are generally driver linked, Win7 is remarkably stable."

Win7 is remarkably stable, as long as you don't boot the system up by accident.
The problem you are having with your pc is probably software related. If you reinstall the OS that will probably fix the problem. Also, I tried jriver and found it wasn't the most stable program. I think Amarra now has a PC version, as well. If you use good hardware and set it up right, SQ should be comparable to a Mac.
If you want another relevant resource, you can try I normally don't like to recommend the site because it can be VERY negative, but you can find a ton of info on what you are trying to do. They just did a comparison of Amarra for Windows and Mac and the reviewer found the SQ to be exactly the same. Keep in mind, though, that the reviewer seems to be a member of the "objective" community and doesn't believe that you can't hear any differences if you can't measure them. Given that you are on this website, you probably find that idea silly, as do I. Some things you just can't measure. If you read the review, you'll see what I'm talking about, null testing and all. Even though I disagree with some of the points, there's still a lot of good info. Its a very thorough comparison.

As far as checking out your PC, I can give you a resource that you will probably enjoy very much, and will be well worth the time spent. That is download a live Linux distro, burn the iso to a cd or dvd, and reboot the system and run everything from your CD/DVD drive. It doesn't make any changes to your PC whatsoever. Its very easy. Follow these steps.

1. Go to the website

2. Once there, scroll down until you see a list on the right side of the screen. (1-100)

3. Click on Mint; it should be number 1 or 2.

4. Scroll down and click on download mirrors.

5. Once there click on the KDE 32bit download link.

6. Once downloaded, burn the iso file to a DVD and reboot.

I know it seems like a strange recommendation, but you'll just have to trust me on this. You should be able to run your whole computer of the disc. It will allow you to control all of your hardware. If things still don't work, like your USB port, you probably have a hardware issue. If not, its probably a software problem. Beyond that, you'll probably find a lot of other uses for it, as well. It makes Windows 8 look 20 years old. The only risk is loosing a blank DVD. If you want to go back to Windows, just remove the disc and reboot.