Just back from RMAF

...and man, what an experience. I got to spend the last few days hanging out with my good friend and newest TAS contributor, Guidocorona. That's always an experience. It's remarkable how friendly even the most rabid audiophiles are in person! It's also remarkable how much very expensive dreadful audio gear is out there. Conversely, there are many gems for not much money.
My personal "get blown away" experience of the show was the Wilson Maxx systemn driven by top shelf BAT electronics. Breath-taking, literally.
The RMAF is a must do. I even met Albert..a heck of a nice guy!
I echo the praise of the Maxx2's. I literally had shiver down mine spine listening to them.

The bottom end was unlike anything I have ever heard. I rarely listen to classical music (if ever). They played Stravinsky and there was a drum/gong that was stunning!
Yes, Guido is published in the current issue of TAS. He reviewed some self-powered Quad speakers. He and I tagged team all the houseplants in the hotel for help getting around and both saw lots of things we liked. I'm sure he'll jump on this thread in a day or two to give us his color commentary. It's great to see so much that one's only read about actually performing in front of you.
and Hey! The editorial staff of TAS are all nice guys. We attended an Ask the Editors forum and also got to have some individual face time with them. They were articulate and had very realistic views re. the state of high end audio.
What? Guidocorona contributing to The Absolute Sound? In what way? Man, maybe there's hope after all for the audio reviewing industry. Did Guido hear anything that impressed him at the show?