Keef Out Of His Tree The Monkey Man & The Coconut

Ouch!! Doesn't he have 'people' to do this sort of thing for him? Well, at least it was his head -- just imagine, if it had been his hand it could have made a difference in how he plays! (Hope the sand broke his fall enough that they don't have to de-impact those fishing lures he wears in his hair from his skull!) Naw, we kid because we love -- get well soon my numero uno favorite rock guitarist of all time guy!

Showing 2 responses by zaikesman

Blblues68: I dunno, by my reckoning it's been close to 30 years since the Stones gave live performances that weren't more show than emotionally meaningful...besides, Keith could end the Stones anytime he wanted, no convincing of Mick necessary. Don't get me wrong though, what they manage to do today is still very impressive in its way -- I've seen quite a few 60's bands, many recently reunited, play in the last 10 years, and none can touch the Stones for staying a lean, mean, professional machine. Unfortunately, I desire more than for my wallet to be professionally lightened for an evening's pomp and spectacle, I could get that in Vegas if I wanted it. If only they sold stock in their tours...