KEF KUBE between Ayre preamp and amp?

I've been driving my KEF Ref 107/2s with Parasound JC 2 BP - 107/2 KUBE - JC 1 monoblocks, but I may want to use Ayre KX-5/20 - KUBE - VX-5/20 instead.  I realize Charles Hansen discouraged inserting anything between an Ayre preamp and amp, and I did have a poor experience when I tried inserting a Bryston 10B crossover -- some of the sonic magic seemed lost.  Am I likely to experience the same thing if I insert the KUBE?  Any suggestions beside eliminating the KUBE?

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My question was for 3-year future planning.  The 107/2s are currently upstairs, the Ayre components downstairs with Ref 1s.  I can't decide whether my Ref 1s supplemented by a pair of subs can replace my 107/2s when I need to downsize.  The 10" subs don't match the LF extension of the 107/2s, but my 15" subs might.