Kleos Sibilance

Hello Folks,

I posted this in a Delos thread but I thought I'd better start it's own thread.

I have a new Kleos in a JMW 9 Signature on a Scoutmaster. I am getting sibilance on vocals beyond what I have heard with either a Shelter 501 II or a VPI Ortofon on the same table. My dealer put the Kleos on the wand I had the VPI cart on. I have gone to 1.8g and did not solve it and I have checked the alignment. I brought the rear of the arm down as well. It may be less pronounced but it is still there. Otherwise the Kleos is quite nice. It has 3 or 4 hours on it now. I do not hear misstracking on high level passages, just sibilance and sometimes some grunge on male vocals. It is not on all vocals but it is fairly common.

Showing 13 responses by audiofeil

The Benz LP is not necessarily everybody's cup of tea but it's a fine cartridge nonetheless.

Your remarks are a bit exggerated.


For the record, it's not a cartridge I would own personally. For my taste, there are far better products at that price point. The Zyx Airy 3 is a fine example. To my ears it murders the Benz.

I have no financial interest in Benz or Zyx.
Consider a tonearm upgrade. Even with factory tweaks, the JMW-9 is an extraordinarily average product and incapable of optimizing most high level cartridges.

Your Kleos deserves far better.


Dealer disclaimer
The arm is certainly an issue.

I speak to dozens of folks with very high level systems on a weekly basis and very few if any use vpi arms. Look at some of the more highly regarded poster's systems here on Audiogon. You won't see many vpi arms in use. And those folks who do eventually wise up and move up.

They are, at best, very average.

Nothing more.

Get yourself a better performing tonearm and that Kleos will sing like a bird.
See my previous comment about serious analog systems and vpi arms.

If you're going to make a change, ensure it is a legitimate upgrade not just a longer iteration of the same design.

Yes, I made a dealer disclaimer in the third post of this thread dated 1/1/11.

I'll discuss "other brands" in PM or phone call if you wish.

The threads are not designed for sales promotion IMO.
>>01-02-11: Robob
Theoretically since the Helikon is lighter, if it works in a 9 sig, the Kleos should.<<


A 0.05 gram difference in effective mass is insignificant.

More importantly, IMO, is the difference in design between Helikon and Kleos regarding coil alignment.

I maintain this cartridge is too much for the arm to handle properly. It won't track a Zyx Universe, vdh Colibri, or Dynavector XV-1t with any precision as well.
I've had 3 Kleos here in the past year and none of them took anywhere near 100 hours to settle in. Perhaps 30 at the most. Your ears are acclimating to the cartridge more than the cartridge is changing.

The VTA/SRA is really quite simple and not nearly as complex as other moving coils. Delos and Kleos are designed so that the top surface of the cartridge is parallel with the record. Very little adjustment beyond that is necessary.

The key parameter, as Robob indicated, is VTF. This is where the user needs to focus. There are noticeable differences in the 1.68 to 1.75 range.

I live in western New York near Buffalo and the cold weather has never been a factor in breaking in a cartridge.

Funny in 50+ years and hundreds of cartridges this has never been a problem.

You have a tonearm issue but some contributors choose to ignore it.

Especially those with a financial interest.

I wonder if fremer had a lamp over the table to keep the cartridge warm per vpihw.


What a boatload of crap.

And from the designer no less.


Maybe used cars is a more appropriate gig.
>>01-10-11: Tzh21y
Why doesn't VPI use a standard mounting?<<

Define standard mounting.


And why would vpi want to encourage the purchase of other tonearms with a more "universal" mounting pattern?

Do you think they'd sell as many arms?

I don't.
>>01-11-11: Vpihw
You’re speaking out of your rear end<<

And you design with yours.