Klipschorn with Tube Amps

What can you say about the mighty Klipschorn speakers that hasn't already been said many times over? Mine are from 1989 and I love them. I am currently using Dignity Audio mono block SET amps(imported by Monarchy Audio). The amps put out 8 watts of pure SET power and I really do not need any more than that. But just in case, I do have another pair if I decide to bi-amp. I also am running an original McIntosh MC275 tube power amp at 75 watts per side of Genelex KT88 power,which also has its particular strenghts. It really is wonderful to be able to have the opportunity to choose which of these two great amps I will let fire up the Klipschorns today. Anybody care to comment or tell me what they are using, tube wise, with the big Klipschorn's? Thanks, TONY

Showing 1 response by tan43

My Khorns are from 1967.
They are not my main system.
They are in the living room which is large enough yo
have them in two corners. The ceilings are nine feet.
I have used tubes to drive them, but my wife likes
to use them while she works.I bought one of the
little T-amps with 10wpc.
Sounds pretty good.