Krell Power Consumption


I'm a bit new to ultra high end. I'm considering a Krell Evolution 402. One thing that jumps out at me is the power consumption in standby. The manual says it draws over 300 watts in stand by and recommends that you leave it on all the time. 300 watts 24/7. Good grief. Is this bogus or just the price you pay for a serious amplifier?

thanks for any advise.
Ag insider logo xs@2xwrf
Maybe $0.15 per kW/hr is typical rate, which is 4.5 cents per hour, or $1.08 per day, which works out to about $33 / month and $400 / year.

Not everyone will be comfortable with that, but of course if you can afford the big Krells, you probably won't bat an eye.
Do the math.

.37kw X $.16/kwh X 24hr/day X 365 day/year = $518/year

In ten years that's $5180 at today prices, more as electricity costs go up.

Here in Southern California our power is very expensive.
While my first 280kwh or so is at about 0.15$/kwh, once I'm above that point, my rates go in 2 tiers. The highest marginal rate is about 0.20$kwh and I expect that to go UP since we now have rat-fink electronic meters that can be programmed for different rates at different times of day.

At 7.2kwh/ day, the Krell is wacky expensive to run. My current usage is about 450kwh/month to which the krell would add about 50%. That's even MORE than the 20 year old 'fridge I just junked out in favor of a unit rated at about 450kwh/year.

I use slightly different numbers to get to agreement with Ken.
Krells run hot and use lots of power . Levinson also did but they fixed that a few generations ago .
Dan D'Augostino (spl?) is expelled from Krell and part quality go down and so the sound...

Mark Levinson was sold to Harmon Group... The same group which in 1970's bought famed names like Infinity and converted it into mass production junk.

The co-founder of Infinity, John Ulrick started then "Spectron Audio" and went to development of new class D amplifier mostly for pro-audio (and introduced first hi-fidelity one in..1974).

I always was "toobeman" and never tolerated Krell/Mark Levinson for brutish sound but now with my B&W 802 Diamond I needed very power amp and I drive them by Spectron monoblocks. Paired with flagship Joule-Electra full tube preamp its the best system I owned or auditioned.

You are talking about cost of electricity, heat (and weight) and.... cannot get out of "brand names" class A behemoths !!!!.

Did any of you tried high quality class D amps like Spectron, Jeff Rowland(312), Weiss etc [ I do not mean cheap junky class D with noisy switching power supplies ] ?

However, if you still insist on class A begemoths then there is new generation of such amplifiers, much more musical and involvong then Krell/ML. These are BAT600SE, Plinius Reference & Pass Lab XA200.5 - none better then my Spectrons but classical class "A"....