Krell SACD Standard problem

Hi, I bought a Krell SACD standard about a year ago. Very happy with its performance BUT over the past few days, during disc playback, music suddenly stops and I get a flashing "DISC" sign on the display. Tried the Burt Simpson solution of switching it off and then back on but after a while.. same problem. Help please....I am not very happy as I am located in Greece and it would be a pain to ship this thing to the States for service work plus I have paid about double what people in the States are paying to get hold of this piece of mac(rap)hinery.
OK, I have taken it to the serviceman,he replaced the drive....and after I have used it a couple of times, same problem came up. What do I do? I am really upset with this.
Sounds like Aplhifi has it right. You might want to contact him/her for more details.
I purchased one of these over the summer as a special deal that Krell is pimping out thru a well known dealer. Had the same transport problems, dealer took it back without any hastle. Called up Krell and had a lengthy conversation with their sales manager about the experience. Bottom line, Krell cares more about making a few sales on these defective units than their long-term survival. They lost a customer for life for taking this underhand/deceptive business practice. They tried to make believe that there were no known complaints about the Ver 1. And guess what, they still continue to offer the SACD Standard Ver 1 thru this very same dealer.
Was anyone able to satiusfactorily resolve these issues? I just received a Krell SACD standard and it essentially barfed on the first disc I gave it. Best of all it sent a square wave through the system as it went down. I find it disturbing that Krell is still allowing these units to float around on the market place. Granted it's not like the pinto or a batch of bad meat, but still, when I sit down to listen I want to relax, not crap myself in response to transport failure.
Is this the same transport they used in the 300CD ?
I sent two of them back , because of transport failures...Finally sold the last POS because it sounded like a buzz saw , audio wise. They lost another customer as well .