Krell SACD Standard problem

Hi, I bought a Krell SACD standard about a year ago. Very happy with its performance BUT over the past few days, during disc playback, music suddenly stops and I get a flashing "DISC" sign on the display. Tried the Burt Simpson solution of switching it off and then back on but after a while.. same problem. Help please....I am not very happy as I am located in Greece and it would be a pain to ship this thing to the States for service work plus I have paid about double what people in the States are paying to get hold of this piece of mac(rap)hinery.
I purchased one of these over the summer as a special deal that Krell is pimping out thru a well known dealer. Had the same transport problems, dealer took it back without any hastle. Called up Krell and had a lengthy conversation with their sales manager about the experience. Bottom line, Krell cares more about making a few sales on these defective units than their long-term survival. They lost a customer for life for taking this underhand/deceptive business practice. They tried to make believe that there were no known complaints about the Ver 1. And guess what, they still continue to offer the SACD Standard Ver 1 thru this very same dealer.
Was anyone able to satiusfactorily resolve these issues? I just received a Krell SACD standard and it essentially barfed on the first disc I gave it. Best of all it sent a square wave through the system as it went down. I find it disturbing that Krell is still allowing these units to float around on the market place. Granted it's not like the pinto or a batch of bad meat, but still, when I sit down to listen I want to relax, not crap myself in response to transport failure.
Is this the same transport they used in the 300CD ?
I sent two of them back , because of transport failures...Finally sold the last POS because it sounded like a buzz saw , audio wise. They lost another customer as well .
The one I have had since August sounds better than the first...I have had no transport issues at all.Tom
Well, mine is on its way back to Krell. My local dealer and Krell actually handled the whole affair very nicely, and I'll basically get back a unit with a new transport at no charge. So on the customer service front I have no complaints.