Legacy audio manufacturers

I'm sure this has been brought up before but does everyone remember some of the older (now legacy) audio component manufacturers? I'm wondering whatever happened to brands such as Nikko, Optimus, Kyocera, Nakamichi, Advent, KLH, AR, etc. My very first official (albeit used) audio system back in the 70s consisted of a monstrous Sherwood receiver, KLH bookshelf speakers and an AR turntable. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by 3wayxover

Oh the memories...Loved the Nakamichi decks, with all of their buttons and of course the auto reverse that spun the tape and not the head...end up buying on a couple of years ago on Clist. Also, Magnovox CD players - thinking back, it actually sounded pretty bad, but hey, it was exciting to spin those shiny silver disks for the first time. Also, remember visiting Fedco and in their audio section thay had Infinity (before Harman), Soundcraftsmen, funny looking Design Acoustics speakers...oh life seemed so easier back then.