Let's talk cartrige loading.

Some if not all of us vinyl listeners have run into this issue at some time during our quest for improvement of sound. Not many, myself included, are thoroughly educated in the subject matter. For instance my phono stage allows for a variety of loading options, 20, 75, 100, 230, 300, 1000 and the mm standard 47k. 
If I wanted to change to a mc cartridge would I be limited to cartridges which call for one of these recommended loading options or can a cartridge with a higher or lower loading be used? If a higher or lower were to be used what would be the positives or negatives by using say for example a 400 load recommended cart or a 200 recommended cart? Where and what would the sonic detriment be? Just what exactly does loading do. Is a low loaded cartridge inherently better than a high loaded? Should you get as close as possible to a load your phono stage is designed for? Why?
So much confusion, so little time.
Please all you in the know, let's hear your input and give us mc novices some of your experiences and insights.
I'm not new to vinyl myself but was limiting myself to mm carts because they are a standard load therefore I can safely try any make or model. I myself would like to try some mc carts but need to be much more educated on their functions and traits before spending that kind of cash.


Showing 1 response by raymonda

Although I agree with much that has been stated, I strongly disagree with anyone who says it makes little to no difference. For those that think this, I have one suggestion, try a Qtip!