Linear tracking turntables, whatever happened?

Curious as to the demise and downfall of the seemingly short lived linear tracking TT.
Just from a geometry point of view I would have thought a linear arm should be superior to one with a fixed pivot that sweeps through an arc.
Obviously there is much more to it than that, sort of the reason for this thread.
I am genuinely interested in trying one out for myself as well.
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Showing 2 responses by elizabeth

dorkward gave plenty of the reasons an air bearing linear tracker is difficult to own. The servo designs pretty much have problems of the wander, the servo constantly changing the angle slightly back and forth.      
Then non- centered records..Back in the early 80's (before CD) I owned a linear tracker (servo type) No great shakes. The Servo control pivoted arms of Denon TT like the 47F and 59L were better.
Unipivot do not 'suck'. I have enjoyed two unipivot arms over the years. First one was a Magnepan Unitrac 1 on a Rega. Nice arm.  
In fact I am playing a Mozart Piano Concerto using my Kuzma Stogi S unipivot as I write this!