Looking for a new pre-amp!!

At present I have a Belles OCM 200 Amp and looking to up grade to a better pre amp. Looking at a Adcom 565

Sunfire pre amp and Aragon 18k or 24 unit. Also thinking about the Emotiva usp 1 pre amp. I a two channel guy and looking for the best unit with a phono section and great sound.

Any ideals as to the best pick for under a 1000  dollars?



Showing 3 responses by timlub

Hi Wayne,
Looked on Ebay,  a few really nice bang for the buck...
Arte Forma Perla preamp
Muse Model 3 Signature
PS Audio PCA2
Parasound Classic 2100 (new inexpensive, but decent pre)
I hope this helps, Tim
At Under $1000 you'll find several good pre's.... if you want an Adcom, you can grab a GFP750,  best preamp to ever come out with the Adcom label... Its passive and active both. I don't believe that It has phono, but there are several good phono sections cheap.... I can recommend a few, but I'll start with The DB Systems DB8. 
Hi Wayne,  came across 1 more on ebay for you:
As far as all the models that I have sent vs the Emotiva...Here is my feeble opinion:
*The Emotive with the right equipment can be decent.... I've only heard it once, but in a system that I wasn't familiar with. Many report that it can be edgy & bright, but overall a good value and again with a good gear match can be satisfying.
*Adcom GFP750 is an oldie but a goodie, Nelson Pass piece.  Remote, balanced and single ended, passive and active.  Detailed yet no grain.
*Sunfire haven't heard it, this model has a decent rep.
*Aragon 18/24... I've heard the 24, pretty good really, smooth, decent detail, but single ended only, no remote... should be low price.
*Parasound Classic 2100... I consider this in the league of all the above. Except maybe the Adcom.  A touch smoother than the Emotiva, but not much.
NAD C165BEEE Similar to the Parasound... adds a bit of warmth.  nice piece.
In my opinion,  the PS Audio,  The Muse and the Arte Forma Perla are all 3 in another league from those listed above.