Looking for Amp suggestions or Avalon speakers

I am in the process of downsizing due to a smaller living space and think i have settled on Avalons (either the Ascendants or the Ideas) for my new speakers as their footprint is acceptable to my spouse and i like their sound.

My old amps are the Sonic Frontier Power 3 monoblocks but sadly probably have to give those up as well due to the amount of space they take up. I have also always liked the Conrad Johnson sound (haven't heard alot of other amps so wanted to give an idea of a sound that i have liked over the years).

I have always preferred tubes to solid state but i have heard some say they think the Avalon's sound better with solid state?

In either case, i'm looking for suggestions for an amp that would mate well with the Avalon's. I'm fine with buying used equipment. Looking for something in the under $5,000 range (though of course would love to get away with spending less if i can).

Thanks in advance for all suggestions.

Showing 1 response by charles1dad

Hi Dkonstruction,
I generally prefer tube amplification same as you.If it is in any way practical
I'd advised you to listen to the Ayre prior to buying it (true for any
component if possible). I don't care for their sound quality based on several

listening experiences and they have little in common with good tube
amplifiers IMO. Their character is dry and a bit flat/sterile but again, others
will find them wonderful. They're recommended fairly regularly on this site,
so as always it depends on what your taste is. You may hear it and be
smitten by its sound, who knows? Audition with your Avalons if at all
possible. I've heard Avalon sound good with Jeff Rowland amps and not so
good with Spectral amps. You like the presentation of good tube power
amplifiers, that may
remain the best option for your long term satisfaction. Just one man's
humble opinion.
Good Luck,