Looking for bookshelf upgrade from B&W DM302s

Currently hooked to a Rega Brio-R w/ Dac Magic. I play mostly lossless files from a NAS, but occasionally vinyl. Unfortunately, I have pretty eclectic listening: led zeppelin to liszt, so to speak. I love the DM 302s, but it just seems like something is missing. Some "oomph." (...and I dont want a sub.)

I have been eyeing: B&W 685, Dali Ikon I MkII, Epos Epic 2, Rega RS1, and Vienna Accoustics Haydn Grand.

I would like to spend less than $1k.

Would anyone 1) steer me away from any of these, or 2) have any other suggestions?

As always I will try before I buy if I can...ideally at home, but we'll see how good the dealers are (especially unlikely for under $1k speakers?). Also, if I audition them elsewhere, they will likely be on a different system and/or not broken in.

Thus my post looking for experience. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Hi Dcowen1234

I think you can add a subwoofer to your set-up. You would just need another set of speaker cables. Some of the subwoofers I have/had (Velodyne/Polk) had speaker terminal inputs and outputs.

You connect the speaker wire from the outputs from the Rega Brio-R to the subwoofer's speaker inputs. You then connect speaker wire from the subwoofer's speaker outputs to your DM302 speaker inputs. I believe this way you are using the subwoofer's crossover to get the appropriate signals to the speakers and subs.

I haven't tried this in awhile though since my gear now has subwoofer outputs.
Actually, I think I cant plug a sub into the Brio-R. Nevermind.
Thanks again for all the replies.
Those Tannoys look great...I have certainly heard great things about the brand. My brother has a pair similar so maybe I will borrow and check them out.

I am beginning to wonder if I should just get a subwoofer? I guess I've never really used one. What are the drawbacks to that? Ill search around on the forum, so if there has already been a thread on this, disregard my question...!
Hi Dcowen1234

Here is another set of speakers that I really enjoyed more than the DM302 but for certain music a subwoofer would be needed. They are easy to drive and sounded sweet to me when I heard them.

TANNOY Mercury m1 - Cherry (Made in UK)


I have no affiliation with this seller btw.
Thanks everyone for the responses...I haven't been online because we have had a power outage since last Wednesday (seattle area). Also no stereo. Oh well. Anyway, I will keep everyone updated as to what I try.
My Dad has had both the B&W DM302 and the DM303 speakers. I liked the DM303 speakers a lot better than the DM302. I say for under $1k maybe try to find used B&W CM5 speakers. Another bookshelf that I thought sounded better than the DM302 was the KEF Q300. They can be found for under $400 now.
You state that you love the sound of your 302's. Personally, I don't care for the highs on B&W's but they usually have a nice clean, fast midrange and decent lows. I don't think you should change them if you like them. The problem you are talking about is most likely due to the amp. The rega products are very nice sounding and easy to listen to, but is not usually the type of amp to really take command of the speaker. I good local dealer will usually let you try demo components if you pre authorize the amount on your CC, or something similar. I would do something like that, if possible. Changing the speakers may be a good option, as well, but I would still try the amp first given your description.
Dcowen: I'm really curious which speakers you decide on getting. Please report back. I've had the 302s for years now in one system incaranation or another and just can't convince myself to upgrade because i've never had so much fun with other speakers as i have with these.
The DM302s are one of the most musical speakers you can find at the price. (Actually the only B&W I've heard that I liked more was the old DM4.) You'll need to take a big step if you want both musicality and extra weight at the low end.

The speakers on your list all have good reputations. You might consider adding the Triangle Comète.