Looking for THE amp to anchor my system, Krell, Plinius or maybe a D

Ok guys, this is likely a dead horse issue but I'm at a crossroads and needing some advise. I've been out of the 2 channel game for a very long time, having owned vintage Krell gear way back. I sold all and made my way into the HT realm. But keeping up with the Jones got stupid and I've paired down to a simple AV receiver and streamers and decided it was time to get back into a nice 2 channel listening system again. What I already have is a used set of Usher CP8571 Dancers, Marantz SACD player, Cary C306 pre and an original turntable (never sold my Rega table-no one seemed that interested then, but that isn't a factor at this time, since the Cary doesn't have a phono section anyway, so it'll sit until I decide what to do with it and all my vinyl. .
I'm currently using a friends old Ayre V-3 amp to run my system (very nice) but while it sounds ok with the rest of the system, it doesn't have the umph the Ushers like. I auditioned the speakers through a Krell EVO 402e through a Hovland tube pre that took my breath away.I bought the only thing in the package I could afford at the time-the Ushers.

I figured I could get 75% of the 402e out of a 302e or 2250e but those are scarce and on the cusp of my $3K buget for this amp purchase. I've turned to the Plinius HT-301 or Kiokio range as they are supposed to be very Krell like. The others I've considered but not heard are (in now particualr order) Classe CA-2300, Sanders Magtech, Innersound DPR, Dreadnaught (I, II, III, IV), Ayre V-5 (or V-6) and even a Spectron Musician. I have even looked at the interesting fare of D-Class ICE and nCore type amps and I'm intrigued but being old school I'm not completely sold in spite of all the rave reviews. I am trying to stay open minded though.

All of these amps are in and around the price range with the Krells pushing the envelop. I can't touch a 402 or any of the FPBs nor any MBL, PASS, Vitus, PS Audio or other exotics so this is where I have settled. I also need it to be powerful, 200WPC min. (I know the Ayre is rated lower but it seems to push beyond its rating) which kind of eliminates pretty much all tube amps-but I'm a SS guy anyway.

So there you have it. I know the Krell works so that is my point of reference, but finding one in my price is tough so while I know the right way to do this is to listen, listen and listen some more but that isn't the easiest thing to do as there just aren't very many high end shops in my area. So any advise or direction based on your experience is highly appreciated, as I just don't have the funds to "try" and see how it goes.

Showing 3 responses by timlub

Sorry, not Ambrosia mono blocks... that's the preamp... Should have read SST Ampzilla 2000 mono blocks.
Well,  I have heard some of these... so, from what I've heard.. you're right, the Krell 402e is Fabulous... A Pass that you get 200 watts per channel is quite pricey.  I've heard quite a few examples of Class D... The Best that I've heard is the Merrill Audio Veritas, Also mega bucks.   That was a couple of years ago.  I own a pair of Abletec Mono's that I built also a couple of years ago.  My Abletecs are surprisingly nice,  but I would not put them in the class of the best amps. The Spectron Musician III is certainly in that arena.  If you are looking at Sanders or Innersound, you might as well look at Coda.  Coda has a CSX posted on Ebay for $2700 or best offer... if interested, I'd call Doug Dale directly at Coda,  this amp is 330 watts to 8 and 660 to 4....  This could be on your list.
An amp that you didn't mention if you don't mind used is the Spread Spectrum Technologies Ambrosia mono blocks... Not sure that this is much help,  but I hope it offers a little insite for you
I may  have lied about my abletec class D mono's earlier.. just pulled them out of the box about 4 hours ago and put them back into the system... to be fair,  I've done a fair amount of crossover Parts improvements  to my own speakers since, but man,  just 4 hours of warm up and these things are singing smooth.  I wish that you lived close to take a listen.... Don't know if you could ever consider DIY,  it gives you incredible amps for a little money.  If you ever want to head that way, let me know and I'll recommend amp modules.  or just mention it here,  you'll get plenty of recommendations.