Looking for warmth,openess, detail

I have an Aragon 8008BB power amp,Presence Audio tube preamp,Rega Planet 2000 cd player,Audioquest Coral interconnects.The speakers are Mirage 360s,they are 10 years old and need to be replaced.I need suggestions for speaker cable.Is it possible to get warmth,openness,detail,deep soundstage and good imaging from one brand of cable? at this point I have Cardas Twinlink,Audioquest type 4 speaker cables.

Showing 1 response by jadem6

Yes it's very possible to receive everything your looking for in one cable. I have found it in NBS Statement and in Nordost Valhalla. Both are expensive beyond belief, although NBS used is much more affordable. The common thread here is copper and excellent shielding. I would try to find a pair high end copper cables used.