Looking to completely overhaul my preamp section, knowledgeable people needed!

Hi everyone, first time poster here and all that...

I'm looking to do a complete overhaul of my preamp section. I'm currently running a Schiit Modi Uber II as a DAC, a Schiit Mani as a phono stage, and a Schiit Sys as a glorified volume control. This is outputting to an Adcom GFA555 power amp (this will eventually be upgraded to an Odyssey Stratos), then to a pair of LSA 2.1 Signature speakers.

At the moment I am considering a Parasound Halo P5 as an all in one solution or a new Schiit stack (Freya, Gungir) if I stuck with separates, and possibly some of Pro-Ject's lineup (Prebox RS digital). I would like something that is solidly engineered and measures well, but I don't place *perfect* measurements above all else.

To the extent that these components effect sound, I really enjoy a wide soundstage and precise imaging. Low background noise is very important as well. In terms of usability, I definitely would like a remote, solid volume control, and fully balanced inputs and outputs. 

Finally, my budget is $2000 but would prefer to spend less. I would also consider used options. Thanks!!


Showing 1 response by nodoubt

been looking at the p5 also for several months.
seems like a good bargain
i do get tired of this erik guy, bashing it everytime i sit at the computer to research them.
seems thats all he talks about.
whats with that ?