Magico Comparison

I noticed that there is currently for sale a pair of Q3's for $23k and a pair of M5's for sale for $22.8. That is quite a discount from list on the M5's which retailed for $89k and a reasonable reduction on the Q3 list of $37k. Has anyone listened to both of these speakers? I think the Q3 sounds really great but I also have been very satisfied with my used V3s. It will be interesting to see if the tremendous depreciation that marked the previous generation of Magicos (Mini I and II, V2, V3 and particularly M5) occurs with this new generation of CNC machined enclosure units.

Showing 4 responses by ebm

Magico is wonderful sounding with high resolution amp and preamp etc Wolf is not wonderful everyone knows that.Rockport is another great speaker thats what makes a horse race.
Magico is a wonderful sounding speaker.If you don't like them keep on trucking Everyones perception of great sound is different.You must have the best components all through the chain.Some people that can't afford something love to knock it.
Only a fool will pay full list for Magico.The reason used prices are what they are is Valin etc from Absolute sound run down the old speakers.The Sound is a Magico sales tool.My Mini 2 is STILL a wonderful sounding speaker.