Magnepan Mods

It appears that they are using upgraded crossovers. I guess I'm confused as to why Magnepan wouldn't offer these upgrades themselves. It's super inefficient to pay for shipping both ways, have someone rebuild it, and then wait a few months to get it back...hopefully with no shipping damage. If Magnepan isn't maximizing their products, it seems like a competitor could make a me too product with a better crossover and a nicer stand option. Am I missing something?  

Showing 2 responses by randy-11

They don't offer stands because they don't change the sound - it is a dipole speaker.  Call Wendell if ya want - he's heard it all before.

Magneplanar blind tests their speakers (with high end electronics) and does not release upgrades unless they are worthwhile.  They also have a 2 step rating for new versions - "i" is not a full digit.

They did improve the crossovers and decide that there was no need to bi-amp for those models.
Looks nice but I don't see any SQ improvements when I've looked at them or his site, reviews, etc.

Double-blind listening is the way to tell if you are getting SQ...