Magnetization & Demagnetization any conclusions?

Does the furutech improve sound? Does a record have the potential to become magnetized- and how easily??
I am planning on adding magnets to the bottom of my platter and the top of my plinth to take some weight off of the bearing. Then it occured to me, am I going to start introducing a magnetic charge to my records and cartridge?
Anyone have an idea how far is safe for a magnet to be before it starts to influence other materials? At this point I have 4 3/4 between the magnet and the record.

Showing 1 response by james1969

I can vouch for the DVD playback. I use my RD-2 for ever DVD that goes into my DVD player. The picture has color becomes much cleaner/less noise if you will.

Bulk erasers was such the item to have during the tape days. Imagine stumbling upon that as time and formats that come and go. Granted, the original use of the device was counter to how it is used in this thread/reference.