Mahler Project on LP

Just wanted to let folks know that if you love Mahler and you love vinyl that the San Francisco Symphony just announced that they would if demand was high enough they would press 500 more box sets of Mahler's complete cycle. I own this set and I am very, very impressed. I own many other Mahler works on lp by all the great conductors of the 20th century (Walter, Bernstein, Barberoli,Klemperer ect.) and this set is equal to them in many ways. AND the Sound is Fantastic! The Vinyl is quiet and the dynamics are not like any classical album I own. It's great fun.

Showing 3 responses by kr4

Probably sounds almost, but not quite, as good as the SACDs with the DSD from which the vinyl was derived. :-)

Suckers, indeed. Considering the provenance, the SACDs are cheaper, have more information (multichannel) and, logically, must be superior. If you are suspicious of sacd transfers of classic analog recordings (I am not), the same (and additional) caveats would apply for transfers in the other direction.

You are entitled to be pleased with your purchase but I cannot entertain any agreement. First, additional "mastering" for vinyl can include both limiting dynamic range and sweetening, neither of which are consistent with accuracy. Second, there is the unavoidable problem with what they did with the additional channels. There's no way that information can be accurately represented on vinyl.

Of course, YMMV.
