MC Cart. - Frequency of De-Magnitization/Best Way?

I'm enjoying my first-ever MC cartridge - an Ortofon Jubilee. My question is: how often to degause (sp?); how do you know when? And - - what's the best way?

Also, any words of "caution"? Many thanks!

Showing 1 response by twl

I have never de-magnetized my MC cartridges.

Never felt the need, as I never heard any "veiling" occurring from magnetizing effects.

Also, Van den Hul specifically states this is not a "safe" thing to do to your cartridge, as repeated de-magnetizing can weaken the power of the magnets, and actually cause the loss of resolution that you are trying to prevent by using a de-magnetizer. He also may reject your cartridge from his cartridge rebuilding service, if you have repeatedly done this to your cartridge.

While I am not sure that this is a big problem, I would not consider this a prudent thing to do, unless I had a noticeable "veiling" effect, and it was worth a try to reduce it. In any case, I wouldn't do it, but maybe once during the life of the cartridge, if that.

Others may disagree with me on this, but I don't hear this problem happening on my systems, even though I know it supposedly "sneaks up on you".