McCormack DNA 0.5 Deluxe thumps turning on/off

Hi guys.

I have an McCormack DNA 0.5 that thumps when turning on/off. I recently bought it used and love the sound and all but I cant seem to look past the thumps, i´ve had amps that have done this before but this amp play in total different league. I know the deal about turning the power amp on last when starting and then last when done listening.

I have also plugged it in without any speaker or line cables connected and put a multimeter at the binding post and it picks up a DC current, same for both channels. Note, this happens only when turning on/off and overall performance other than this is excellent.

I also noted that if I have, say my cdp playing and the volume up a little bit you can hear the relay clicking and also a for a fraction of a second there is music playing. I have yet to come to a conclusion on what the problem is and have contacted Steve himself about it, but as an unpatient man I want things done in short notice.

So I would be happy if someone could help me or at least figure out what the problem might be.

Thank you

Showing 1 response by xenaudio

Why turn it off at all? As long as you are not dealing with tubes or poweramps, just leave it on. Thats what I do and I know many manufactures will recommend the same thing. I'm not saying that you have no problem, that I don't know, but it might make things easier for you to live with until you figure out whats going on.