Meitner Museatex AT-2 turntable

I'm fascinated by the Meitner AT-2 turntable and the concept of platterless design. Does anyone know about these turntables. I can't find much info, nor can I find a used one. Do people hold onto these forever, or were there just not many ever made?

Thanks in advance for any info you might offer.

Merry, Happy, Peace on earth.

Showing 1 response by frogman

If you are referring to the "platterless" turntable, I heard it at the Stereophile show in NYC some years back. I am a big Meitner fan, but this turntable I thought was a disater. There is no way to flatten the record, so there was severe audible pitch instability (wow). Remember, even without a clamp, the mere act of laying an lp on a flat surface (platter), will tend to flatten it to a degree. I remember being surprised that a company such as Meitner would demonstrate something as obviously flawed as this. It did look very cool, 'though.