Mellencamp on Music Business

On the money, or better off sticking to little ditties?


Showing 1 response by superhonestben

While John Mellencamp certainly has a right to his opinions,I agree with Tomcy6,unless he donates all his millions that he has made from the "music business",he really falls on a deaf ear, he talks about corporate greed, what about musicians greed etc.

I do agree with him on the "artist" owning and funding a record label, he should start one up, with all of its upfront overhead, signs some bands, make cds, and when they dont sell, and he loses millions,does he say, what the heck.

Record companies are not in this for fun,it costs alot of money to sign, record, promote, market a new act, and most go down the drain financially,doesn't mean their music isn't any good, the cd just didnt sell.

Has the music business changed, sure, the music and demographics have changed, the rock thing is over, and 50 -100yrs from now, it will go down as one of the great eras of the 20th century.

So, to John Mellencamp (and i do like his music) go ahead, fire up your own corporation, funded by you, and see what happens, I hope it works out.