Memorial Day

Want to take time to thank all active military and veterans, and especially the families who have lost love ones, and let you know our thoughts, and prayers, are with you. We cannot possibly thank you enough.

Showing 3 responses by phaelon

"We The People”

This country began with those three words; and that will always be something worth fighting for. I can find no words to express my gratitude to those who have sacrificed so much in defense of those three words.
In a way, you might have paid the greatest tribute to those who have served... by simply demonstrating exactly that which so many of our bravest have died for - the right to be, speak and write like an ass.

There’s a time and a place, and this wasn’t it.
"Try not to be so impulsive. Edit, re-edit and do what I do when it seems to be too strong a retort: delete it.”

Nonoise - I need to burn that in wood and hang it on my wall...Thanks.