Mini monitors?

Considering a 2nd system: Speaker recommendations please? Small foot print is a must, sound capability obviously, cost is less of a concern except for the truly outrageous. So far have looked at ProAc, Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor, Harbeth (too big), Dynaudio. Anything you wish to recommend? I listen to mainly jazz & blues, including fusion, some rock, funk, occaisional needs to be an all arounder if you will, and play well at low volumes
You might consider a high efficiency/SET combo. Little comes close at low volumes. How about the Omega speakers? Cheap and musical.
For a smallish room, requiring nearfield listening, I have not experienced a more moving feeling than what I get out of my Micro Utopia BEs.
I own, and love, a pair of JMlabs original Micro-Utopias, typically available used for around $2-2500, depending on condition and whether or not they have matching stands. Anyway, they sound amazing, have surprising bass-usable output down to 40hz, and are incredibly easy to drive, I'm currently using 18 watts with no problems. And on top of all that they're gourgeous, the fit and finish is truly impeccable. Needless to say, highly recommended!
Penaudio Rebel 2 or Charisma. You can upgrade either by adding the Chara woofers that replace the stands. Chara actually take up less space than stands.