
Does anyone here have a mini-system at home or in the office that they can recommend? I need something with either one or two alarms that will also compliment a modern bedroom. In other words, I'd like to avoid those garish Aiwa units you see at Best Buy that look like they deserve their own X-File. Something elegant, preferably brushed aluminum/stainless steel, with nice grill covers and of course, good quality sound...

Thanks all,
I third the JVC, and own the 7000 described by Blackblue above. It will FAR exceed your expectations as far as price/performance goes.
I have a Denon M-3 that I use much as you describe. I think the current model is the M-30 for about $450 with 20w/ch into Mission speakers.
Recently I purchased a Sony RB-5 ($199 retail) for my
daughter and it looks/sounds very good in her bedroom. I'm not sure if it has
an alarm. (I replaced the stock speaker wires. 24ga.
with a single strand of Kimber Kable 4VS for +/- and this
really improved the sound. If anyone needs a great dual-
alarm clock radio, may I suggest a GE Model # 7-4853. Wal-
Mart has them for under $20. Bill
That JVC above looks NICE. But every JVC I've heard in the stores lately sound awful.
Yamaha sounded the best with the bigger piano black speakers. Panasonic for the cheaper models. Denon is okay with the bigger M30 or M50 speakers.