Mixing speaker cables on bi-wired speakers

This is going to sound like a dumb question.  I have bi-wired speakers and I like the bass from XLO and transparency of Nordost, so I have Nordost on the top posts and XLO on the bottom post for good solid bass.  Has anyone ever mixed speaker cables as I have described?  Is this common or not recommended?  It would seem to me that the Nordost ribbon cable is fast and XLO (XLO Ultra) is slower in comparison, but I cant tell that by listening?  

FWIW, the speakers are EggelstonWorks Rosa


Showing 1 response by oharchie

I've seen mismatched biwire/biamp situations work with Magnepan speakers.

With most time/phase coherent speakers it generally does not work well.

I tried a cable mismatch on Vandersteen 2c speakers and the results were flat. I invested in bi-wire (internal) cables and the speakers started to perform to their abilities.

If you are able to test them with matched cables vs unmatched and you like the sound of one over the other, you'll have a winner.

Hope that helps!