Most Beautiful Receiver / Integrated - Ever was... ?

Time for what I hope is another fun thread. Please include links if you can.

I'm curious to everyone what you think the hottest/sexiest most interesting integrated or receiver ever was. For me, brands like these would probably be in the running:

  • Carver
  • Kyocera
  • Tandberg
  • Revox (old)

It didn't have to work, or sound good. Just had to do it for you in the looks department.

Showing 2 responses by teo_audio

I've owned a few (4?) over the years...and kept going back to them. Pioneer sx-1280:

Considering what people want for them these days, I'm not likely to have another. Too much hassle.

That Spartan Nocturne is very nice.

Making copies with extreme analog fidelity (no digital or digital RF hook ups!!!) (get off yer butt!)  would very likely turn good business.

Those spartons are gorgeous enough to get just about anyone all wiggly inside.

Hovland did some nice stuff, but those spartons, are just - wow.

Want. Very much want. And copies simply will not do.