Most overrated audio manufacturers?


Showing 3 responses by tubegroover

Agreed Elizabeth. The "value" of all the responses so far are absolutely worthless without putting the choices in some type of context as to WHY the respondents think they are overrated. What is the point anyway? Too many of these type trolling threads in the archives to yet add another one.
To Soundsreal, cynical? really. What is more cynical than dissing a manufacturer without providing any real world experience with that product or manufacturer, very unfair. Case in point Quicksilver for one. A manufacturer that has been around for many years and offers excellent value. If you don't believe it look at the used prices on their gear. Not SOTA but solid, fairly priced and well designed and dependable.

Some come to this site to gain real insight and information. Unfortunately often things get bogged down with these worthless threads that provide little to no value. The OP asks for "thoughts". So far I haven't read a thoughtful response from those that have taken the bait.
Agree totally zd. To be quite frank I've heard different Vandy set-ups range from abysmal (who would ever consider them) to sublime, they can be real chameleons. Set-up and room conditions are critical. They continue to be big sellers for a reason but will not be suitable for everyone but to me come closer than many, IF set-up correctly. I say they ARE NOT overrated because of potential for money spent.