Most overrated bands

What are some examples of seriously overrated bands? My candidates are

1. Led Zeppelin
2. Velvet Underground
3. U2
4. Ramones
5. The Who

Showing 2 responses by snackeyp

Dare I suggest Radiohead?
No you may not!  They are brilliant.  Your brain just hasn't adapted yet.  :)
This is likely to piss some of you off, but musical taste is just that.  No one is required to like any particular artist.

- Bruce Springsteen (I used to love him but now I can't hardly hear his music without cringing)
- Steely Dan (I still like them but can't allow myself to own any of their records)
- Dave Matthews Band (I just don't get it.  Why the cult following?)
- Phish (Same as DMB for me.  I can't hear music in there)