Most satisfying system change in 2017?

What was your most satisfying addition or subtraction for your audio system this year?  Looking for changes in gear, set-up, or listening environment.  What floated your audio boat in 2017?
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Showing 7 responses by lwal22

Built speakers, TMW config.  Crossovers are modified from Icon Parsecs. Drivers from Seas, ScanSpeak and Audax.  Stunned at the results.  IMHO they compete with factory towers @$10k. 
(Unavoidable pride/bias I suppose, but verrry gratifying project). 
Timbre and detail..can’t get any work done cause I can’t walk away. 
Use online calcs for cabinets and brace brace brace.  Also  all mdf. 1 in for front baffle of woofer cab.  All drivers have their own cabs and are isolated from one another w sorb Otha next, which improved detail tremendously.  
Ill get some images up ASAP. 
Limiting the transmission of vibration from the bass driver to the midrange enclosure.  The results speak for themselves.  Don’t know what you though I was doing with the sorbothane but it works incredibly in this application.  Maybe it wasn’t clear that each driver is in an entirely seperate enclosure. A stack of boxes so to speak.
The bass driver cab vibration either cancels, blurs or reinforces frequencies in the crossover range, best to keep it out of the midrange cab. Bit like keeping your subs from touching your monitors.
i did try solidly coupling the cabinets together, it was good, but not even close to this good. 
 Btw there are quite a few designs in the market that apply the same principle in various ways.  . 

ill launch a diy speaker thread. Hardly the 1st, but why not. Like to hear about others experiences— good and bad. 

Happy New Year all. 
