musical interconect from Phono to Pre amp

Looking for something on the cheap
150.00-200 range
The rest of my ic cables are Kci Silkworms
See my system page for further details
I recently picked up a used pair of Silkworms that I tried from phono to pre, and
the results were excellent. I wish I had a second pair.

Considering the rest of your ICs are Silkworms, I believe buying budget ICs
would be selling yourself, and your system, short. Easy to say when it's not my

Have you compared Silkworms from your phono to preamp? Doing so may
convince you.
I like the silkworms no doubt, but after reading up on Interconnects in this postion the consensus is to go with low capicitance cables.I don't think the Silkworms are ?

I will try them in that position though ..
Low capacitance matters for MM carts. It does not matter for MC carts.

I don't know the capacitance spec of the Silkworms. What is it?
The Ortofon 2m Bronze is an MM cart
I wil find out by emailing the designer John is always very receptive to responding to emails.
Low capacitance also matters only for interconnects from tonearm to phono. It does not matter for phono preamp to linestage preamp unless the distance is fairly large, in which case highs could be attenuated.
At this time the KCI Silkworms are too spendy
Any other lower cost alternatives that would work well with the silkworms