NAD 720BEE inputs


How can a supposedly high-end piece of stereo equipment like the NAD 720BEE not include optical or coaxial inputs? Wouldn't coax or optical provide higher quality sound -- wont the traditional RCA connections comparatively diminish sound quality?

If I had to guess ... it is because the C720 is a two channel receiver most likely used for audio listening only and that the most likely purchaser would be using a cd player and not a dvd player. Given this hunch on my part, why is there not a phono input?

The Outlaw RR2150 got it right.

Regards, Rich
OK, but since sound quality is supposedly better with optical/coax, wouldn't a two channel receiver also be a candidate for the best sound possibile?

I think I know where you are coming from concerning the DVD player, which would be the need to separate more than two channels of sound.

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interesting point but its hard to believe given that digital signals are supposedly superior. I assume the difference would be in the quality of the amps: audio vs. a/v?

Concerning your second point, can you point me somewhere on the web explaining why that may be the case? or, are you speaking simply from personal experience?
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The features on the C720 are the clue as to who NAD believes will be the most likely buyer. The C720 will appeal to an buyer who needs a stereo receiver as the system cornerstone and will not be using it for HT purposes. The user listens to the radio and CD's and possibly tape. To my thinking this means an older listener, who has most likely given away his/her LP collection years ago. NAD's marketing of its basic products also says don't get too caught up with cables. So they are thinking lower cost speaker cables and interconnects. It doesn't seem like it was a "superior" issue, but rather a "most likely to use" issue.

Regards, Rich
Regarding the digital cable vs. analog cable issue, I've done several A/B tests on my own equipment and in all instances music through good analog cables (e.g., Nordost Red Dawns) was far more musical than that via a digital cable. Just my .02 worth.
For example....

The analog outs from my big cheap mega-DVD changer sound far better than the DACs in my now retired NAD T743. I'm not talking about subtle differences between $500 and $1000 CD players... I'm talking night and day is there bass or isn't there differences (and yes, speaker settings were correct).