Naim Amp Wattage Ratings

3 years ago I moved and had to sell my beloved parasound monoblocs and transparent cables. My Sophia2s went in to storage for 2 months until i went nuts from the lack of audio and pulled them out. I went and bought a naim 5si on audiogon with some clear day cables. Come to find out it was one of the best matches i had ever had with my wilsons. Sure they lacked the transparency and soundstage of my previous system, but it had a very involving musical presentation. My wife, step son, and i found ourselves wanting to listen to music more often than watch tv.

We have since added on and have a 20x30 game room for movie and music. I was thinking of sticking with Naim, particularly the NAP 300, but concerned of it only having 90watts.
For you Naim users do you think this will be enough power?

Showing 1 response by zd542

"02-03-15: Rshad0000
Thanks for your input guys! I'm going to audition some Ayre equipment as well and decide from there."

That's a much better idea. Just get a V-5 and you're done.