NCore vs. Ice -- single or separate cases

Hey guys,

I've recently gotten a bug that I can't shake. I went to sleep thinking about it last night.

I want to try out a class D amp.

I've narrowed my choices down to something based on either the NCore NC400 or the IcePower 125asx2.

If I went the way of the NC400, I'll be building them myself. If I went the way of the Ice, I may build it myself or just buy the assembled units. Either way, the NC400 builds will run about twice that of the Ice builds.

Is there anyone out there that can comment on which is better? If the answer is that the NC400 is better, is it worth twice the price?

My next question is whether I should build the mono units into separate boxes or a single box? In other words, is it better to use a longer interconnect with a short speaker cable or vice versa?


Showing 8 responses by tonyangel

I've looked into it more closely and as it turns out, there isn't much difference in price between the Ice and NCore builds, when considered watt for watt.

It seems that the consensus is that the NCore edges out the best of the available Ice units. It figures that I come across information that I couldn't find before AFTER I start this thread.

To date, I have never owned a brand new amplifier. Maybe it's time to treat myself and get into something nice.

To keep initial costs down, I'm just gonna start with two amp modules and a single power supply and stick them on a piece of sheet aluminum to get comfortable with the electronics, then I'll dust off the old mill and lathe and bang out a real enclosure later.
I'm having quite a time trying to find a direct comparison between the ICE 125ASX2 and the Hypex NC400. There are many threads praising the performance of both, but none comparing the two.

From a purely financial perspective, it does look like getting into the ICE rig will be cheaper, to be blunt.

About $650 to get into an ICE dual mono based on the 125ASX2 and about twice that to get into a comparable NC400 amp.

Unfortunately, I don't think there's anyone near me that has one of either that I can listen to.

I have a very funky setup. My room is a 15'X24' rectangle. The speakers are on a short wall placed on shelves in an entertainment center. The shelves are essentially closed in boxes of about 13.5" tall, 23" wide and 19" deep.

The area to the left along the wall where the speakers are placed opens into a very short hallway which leads into the foyer and the area to the left of the wall opposite the speakers opens into the kitchen area, which again goes about 15'X20'. It's a lot of open space.

To say that finding speakers, that would fit into the shelves and provide a satisfactory listening experience, was difficult is a vast understatement. Just in the last 18 mos. to 2 years, I've gone through at least six pairs of speakers, to include: Paradigm Studio 10, B&W 685, System Audio SA505, some model of either Harbeth or Spendor (I don't remember which), and others.

What I've landed on that sounded the best in my system that were within my budget are the Silverline Minuets.

I really can't say if they are hard to drive, but right now, I'm driving them with my Aragon 2004, which is rated at a solid 100wpc at 8 ohms and 200wpc at 4 ohms. The amp doesn't seem to be having any problems. Silverline claims that the Minuets are rated up to 300w.

The main reason I'm looking for another amp is that I want to try a D class amp. I'm justifying this to myself for several reasons. The first is that due to the physical size of the amp, I have to put the amp on top of the entertainment center. Having over 40lbs looming over the den area makes me a bit nervous. It also requires that I use speakers cables about 13' long and interconnect cables equally as long.

I'm just figuring that getting into a class D amp will allow me to either get into a physically smaller 2 channel box or two boxes, each of which can be closer to its respective speaker. This will allow me to get rid of the 40lb sword hanging over my head and use shorter speaker and interconnect cables, which I'm guessing will improve the sound quality.

I'm looking at the ICEPower 125asx2 modules because many have had good things to say about them. They are also pretty cheap. The modules are about $250 each. What's really appealing about these modules is that they are totally self contained. Each has its own power supply. All I'd really need to do is throw it into an enclosure, which runs about $100 with all necessary connectors.

The NC400 modules, which everyone seems to be ranting about run just over $400 each and I'll need a power supply for module (to do it right), each of which runs about $250. I'll also need the enclosures, which run $75 each plus shipping.

Hence my dilemma. ICE power at $350 per channel on the outside versus NC400 at $800 per channel. If the NC400 is vastly superior to the ICE modules, then I don't mind paying the difference. On the other hand, if the NC400 will only be an incremental improvement (at twice the price), I could live with the ICE rig for a while.

Like I said, my setup is less than ideal to begin with, so if I can get into a good sounding rig at half the cost, I'm all for it.

I don't have a deep electronics background, so reading the specs tells me next to nothing, except that both modules seem to roll off on the highs at about 16K. This probably means nothing to me. I'm coming around 50 years old and after a lifetime of competitive shooting and riding off road mud bikes, the roll off at the upper end is probably something that I won't even notice.

So...I posted this thread with the hope that someone might be able to offer a direct comparison of the two. Thus far, I haven't had much luck.

Oh, and if it matters, I've even been considering getting an amp based on the 125asx2 from the guy that advertises here in the classifieds. I think his name is Ghent. He's selling mono blocks based on the 125asx2 for around $400 each, shipped. Any thoughts on this?
Guidocorona and Timrhu,

Thank you for your comments. Although I do have the issues above that I'd like to deal with, it sounds like trading my Aragon 2004 for a 125axs2 build is going to be a step backwards in sound quality.

I suppose that if I go class D, the NC400 build will be the way to go. That does, of course, leave me with another dilemma. For the price of building the NC400 amps, I could get one heck of a nice conventional amp.

I hate to keep harping on cost, but discretionary funds are limited right now.
OK, so if I understand what you guys are saying, you're saying that the NC400 (just thrown into a box) competes favorably against other high quality amplifiers. Not just other class D amps. Is that correct?

So, if I was to trade my Aragon 2004 for an NC400 build, it should be a step forward.

Believe me, I have no problems with class consciousness. I just want nice sounding music and don't care how I get there.

As for my budget, I can get the NC400s. I just didn't want to spend the money if I didn't need too. I'm more of a bang for the buck kind of guy. I like NAD and Emotiva, if that gives you an idea.

I've just grown tired of dealing with my system as it is. This amp I have is around 30 years old. I just want to get something that is state of the art and fits more comfortably into my system, so that I can rest easy for a while.

Thanks, guys.
Oh, last question. Why is it necessary to use two power supplies? My research indicates that one provides more than enough power for two NC400s.

I'm asking because if two power supplies are necessary, I'm going to go ahead and put them into separate cases. The cases are under $100 and a drop in the bucket at this point.
Nsirkin, I'm in the New Orleans area.

My speakers are a pair of Silverline Minuet Supreme Pluses. They aren't hard to push, but they can take a lot of power.

I pulled out the old SPL meter the other night while I was listening and it looks like I'm in the 80 - 90 db range, with an occasional jump in the 95+db range. There are just some passages that I really like.

I really don't want to go with a passive. I want remote control and really don't want to rope myself into something that is finicky about what it wants to play with.

I've being thinking about getting into something like an Aragon 28K or something like that.

I'm just going to go ahead order the parts for the NC400 build/s and see what happens. I've been doing more reading and it appears that just plopping the 125asx2 modules into a box isn't going to get me what I want.

I just really hope that the NC400s sound at least as good as my Aragon 2004 does.