Need help solving a system problem

The equipment:

Martin Logam ethos
musical fidelity m6si integrated
musical fidelity nu vista vinyl phono pre
EAT C Sharp TT with a Kiseki Purple heart cart.

The issue simply put:  when I rest the needle on the record (record not playing) and I turn the volume up to the 12 o'clock position, I get an incredible amount of woofer vibration from the logans.  Same issue when playing a record. 

I've tried:
1.  better isolation ...keep in mind record is not playing so acoustic feed back is out of question.
2.  Speakers are 43 inches from the needle when on record from each side.  tried moving to max distance room will allow to no avail. prob still occurred
3.  tried a different table with different cart.  got same issue.
4.  Upgraded stand ...isolation again.
5.  tried different tonearm cables, different inputs on pre...same prob.

Any ideas are welcome.  I love my system just cant play it loud....and sometimes I like it loud.

Showing 1 response by williewonka

@polkalover - What kind of woofer vibration?...
- does it pulse evenly? e,g, at a partucular frequency (which freq)
- is it spiradic? e.g. only happens when you walk around it
- are all the pulses of equal amplitude or do they vary?

Since this only occurs when the needle is placed on the record and if the pulsing is of a constant frequency and amplitude then it sounds like a resonance issue.

Have you tried varying the bass control knob on the rear of the speaker? Does it make any difference ?
- try one turned up fullty and the other turned down

Have you tried moving the speakers slightly (e.g. 1"-2") further in/out from the audio stand. The resonance may be occuring between the speakers and the cartridge is picking it up.

Maybe it's a standing wave issue?

Just aome thoughts - Steve