Need more bass response

I'm in dire need of more bass to balance out the sound in my system. Granted it's not high, high end but safe to say I have a fair amount invested. It is a Belles 150 HotRod amp linked to a Rogue Magnum 99 pre. Source is a Rega Jupiter ( newest model) and speakers are PSB silvers. The Rogue has a 3 position gain knob which leaves me wanting for another notch higher.
I'm asking if I were to add or change any component, what would the peanut gallery suggest? The cables are not equal to the quality of my system (read: I'm not sold on the difference between cables) yet they are not crap.
Go ahead- I'll take my licks.
Thanks in advance.
One thing you're absolutely right about, Ax: None of us is the Oracle (who, it turns out, was constantly high, so maybe some Agoners may have more in common with her than they think!). You gotta make your own way. Others will tell you to be openminded, but I'll put in a good word for your healthy sense of skepticism. Best of luck.
All but blind, in his chambered hole, gropes for worms, the four clawed mole.

All but blind in the evening sky, the hooded bat, twirls softly by.

All but blind, in the buring day, the barn owl blunders, on her way.

And blind as are, these three to me, so blind to someone I must be.

Walter De La Mare ( 1873 )
Hey Kt...


Far out man

Dave's not here.

Cheech and Chong (1973)

But I catch your drift...I think
Hi Axspike. I've only been hardcore into the audiophile lifestyle for a little over two years. The first year and a half I toiled with cables and cords and never got the noticeable results I had read many others had attained. However, over the last year I have experienced positive and sometimes even amazing results with cable/cord upgrades. The most shocking realization was that a power cord could make a night and day difference in the sound.

But, in order for me to finally realize an improvement in sound, I think it all boils down to a lot of maybes. Maybe I had such positive results with power cords because the juice running throughtout my apartment is so dirty. Maybe it's because over the course of upgrading, the better components I've purchased benefit more from good cables and cords. Maybe it just happens that I stumbled on a component/cable combo with great synergy to my ears. And maybe I've become so obsessed with attaining the absolute sound, that I've become just like those goofy bastards who believe they can hear spirits talking in a cemetary, so if a cricket farts they think long lost aunt Bertha is talking to them. Maybe...
Depending on what you expect to hear and what you hear seems to be the issue. Bass response is a result of low freq. soundwaves moving in and around the sound spectrum. The Human ear typicllay hears bass at a distance of 4-6 ft from the source. Now the question is have you had your hearing test recently to ensure that these types of freq. can be heard. Try placing a radial arm saw close to the source and listen for tones.. Other thyan that it seems that others on this thread have provided some excellent ideas. What would I know.. I'm your litte brother