Need more bass response

I'm in dire need of more bass to balance out the sound in my system. Granted it's not high, high end but safe to say I have a fair amount invested. It is a Belles 150 HotRod amp linked to a Rogue Magnum 99 pre. Source is a Rega Jupiter ( newest model) and speakers are PSB silvers. The Rogue has a 3 position gain knob which leaves me wanting for another notch higher.
I'm asking if I were to add or change any component, what would the peanut gallery suggest? The cables are not equal to the quality of my system (read: I'm not sold on the difference between cables) yet they are not crap.
Go ahead- I'll take my licks.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Ax,

My KEF speakers used to sound drab in the lower frequencies. After all, the manufacturer's specs rate it to only go down to 50hz.

However, I've done some tweaking, and I am no longer missing the mid to low bass. I am only missing super low bass and the air that only a large driver would move in the lowest frequencies.

Try these:

1. Isolate the amplifier.
-Get it jacked up from the floor or stand, whatever you have it on right now. Some recommend spikes, points, pods or platforms. I use a phonebook.

2. Get a good powercord for the amp and cd player.
-Upgrading the amp's powercord is a must in your scenario.

3. Bi-wire your speaker cables if you haven't done so already.
-I no longer need to do this after I upgraded powercables.

4. Adjust speaker placement.
-Large drivers needs space around the cabinet to produce lower bass.
I am reading all of these posts with scrutiny. There are many different opinions that lead me to believe there is no "Oracle" on this subject. From a simple matter of rock recordings just suck to an installing an equalizer or some other tone device. I am struck however by the split camps over cables. Years back, before there were lots of mid to highend audio makers, McIntosh and Crown were the big boys on the block. I don't recall any of their amps, pre amps, tuners, receivers, whatever, ever ever ever having "power cord upgrades" And their specs were, and in some cases, still are, the Gold Standard. I'm not suggesting arguing about Mac stuff as the best, I'm merely implying that with irrefutable specs with basic, basic power cords, who can make the arguement for power cord upgrades. As far as speaker cables, I'm not sure. I run big ass monster cables that are not what the true audiophile would consider great but I'm willing to listen to the arguement. I don't think the hemi analogy is accurate. You could always skip the cables and push start that pig. I've read numerous threads about speaker cables and I swear to God some of these guys really knock me out. You just can't make up some of the things they believe! I will try moving the speakers. I will try a pair of speaker cables that an Audiogon member has been so kind to loan me for a test drive. Who knows maybe pigs fly. If that yields nothing then I may spring for an EQ. Any thoughts on what type or brand. I've hemorraged enough money on this system for my socio-economic class, so make it a value for the money.
Thanks to one and all for your replies. Any other thoughts are welcomed.
One thing you're absolutely right about, Ax: None of us is the Oracle (who, it turns out, was constantly high, so maybe some Agoners may have more in common with her than they think!). You gotta make your own way. Others will tell you to be openminded, but I'll put in a good word for your healthy sense of skepticism. Best of luck.
All but blind, in his chambered hole, gropes for worms, the four clawed mole.

All but blind in the evening sky, the hooded bat, twirls softly by.

All but blind, in the buring day, the barn owl blunders, on her way.

And blind as are, these three to me, so blind to someone I must be.

Walter De La Mare ( 1873 )
Hey Kt...


Far out man

Dave's not here.

Cheech and Chong (1973)

But I catch your drift...I think