New 2018 KEF R series...?

Just saw the what-hifi review of the R3 which seems to be replacing the R300 (Not to be confused with the Ref 3) 

bit confusing name scheme. I suspect a lot of people are going to be confused in the near future.

anyway, what do you guys think? I figure they need a lot of space, I was interested in a Ref 3 for a time (NOT the R3) but I came to the realization I really needed about double the space I currently have. 

alas we are all the victim of our listening areas.
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Showing 2 responses by b_limo

I just had to share my excitement for Kef as well.  I have about 50 hours on my wireless LS50’s now and whoa.  I’ve been in awe / jaw on floor the past 3 nights; it just kept getting better and better as they broke in and I added all kinds of room treatments.  I Have spent the past 2 days dialing in my room with a bunch of new acoustic panels and taking everything out of my room.  I can not believe the imaging these speakers are producing.  I have never heard anything like it.  Kef is doing some magical things right now!  Its that sound that just keeps reeling you back into the music.  I absolutely am in love with these speakers.
I’m using 6 Gik 244 panels and then I have 10 other panels, 2’x4’ that Im not sure of the brand.  I also removed 2 lights and 2 glass tables.  You could actually make the lights ring just by clapping your hands.  I also put up a bunch of curtains in order to cover a window and a big portion of the wall.  I’ve got every wall treated now except for the ceiling.  I’ve always had 4 gik 244 panels but that wasn’t nearly enough.

The imaging and bass response just goes through the roof when you get your room dialed!