New ASR Basis Exclusive 2010

Just received my new Basis Exclusive 2010. Wow is all I can say. Third time is a charm. The previous two versions were world class so it's hard to see how it could be improved but yes it's an improvement. Still running balanced inputs but tempted to run single ended into the new WBT RCAs now available.

Will most additional impressions after a few more days of run in.
I'm not sure I'd call the 20T's warm but I'll try and not start an argument. That said I'd also never call the Basis Exclusive solid state sounding. While it's solid state it's most notable characteristic is it's neutrality, tight bass and pristine top end. If your in the Chicago area drop me a line. Your welcome to come over and audition.
Thanks for the offer, Fm540i. I don't live close unfortunatel.

Btw, I didn't mean to sound ignorant (but in hindsight I was).

I've owned Aerial LR5's and Model 9s and found that they mated well with components that were not warm sounding and assumed the 10Ts were similar.

I've heard nothing but good things about ASR and am very curious. When it comes to phono stages, all the ones I've ever heard were tube, so I'm even more curious there...
Not a problem, I have a set of 9's also. The KW Monoblock's are probably a little on the cool side so the combination of the KW's and the 20T's is just right for me. Your probably right on the components mix. I run the 9's with a Chord CPA 3300 integrated. Chord has it's own sound but it's certainly not warm. Sorry you not in the Chicago area.

The new Exclusive 2010 keeps getting better and better. Drop me an e-mail if you want to discuss the ASR further......
If the Basis contains a true balanced circuit internally, which I believe to be the case, why would you even want to mess with the RCA inputs? WBTs or no WBTs, you would be/will be robbing yourself of some of the magic you are now happy with. The WBT-type RCA inputs are no doubt put there for the benefit of those who run such cables from tonearm to preamp and are reluctant to change to balanced mode.
You may be right. I'm very happy with the balanced inputs which I believe are high quality Neutrik AG inputs.