New cart for under 1K

I am looking to buy a new cartrdige for my setup. My current system consists of a VPI Scout II with a Black Knight platter and 10.5SE tonearm (the TT Michael Fremer demonstrated a cartridge setup at last years show in NYC), JM Focal 936's, Mac solid state power & pre, and a Dynavector P-75 phono pre-amp. The Focal's are very accurate and tend to be bright in the highs. Brightness is what I am trying to avoid. I've found the highs to be too harsh for my liking, especially with vocals. Sibilance is also an issue and something I have attempted to control with speaker placement, VTA, damping fluid, and the tone controls on my old Mac preamp. My current cart is a Grado Gold. I am hopeful that upgrading to a new cartridge helps eliminate some of the treble harshness and provides a sweeter overall sound. I'm interested in the Dynavector 20x2 so far. Any other suggestions for 1K or under, Benz, Ortofon, Sumiko (Blackbird, a little over 1K, but what the hell)?

Thanks for you assistance!

Showing 24 responses by davidlillis

I am very much hoping the XX-2 controls some of the harshness in the highs and the sibilance. Post cart, speakers are an absolute next purchase!

Thanks, the problem I'm finding is locating a US based dealer that sells Proac. Andy ideas?


Maybe a upper model Grado would be an option? Eventually my plan is to purchase a tube preamp, I really like the Mac 2300 since it has tone controls. I realize that tone adjustments introduce an additional path for the music to travel through and takes away from the purity of the sound. However, due to my setup, I like having that ability. The Mac also has a passive out which will allow a 5.1 decoder should I ever get back into the movie thing. It's expensive at 6K so that's a future purchase.


Thanks man! I think I'm going to jump on the XX-2! I'm assuming that it'll be a fine match with my Dynavector P-75, are there any reasons why I should think otherwise? Also, do you know why the cart would get 8 out 10?

Thanks again, I think this may be a rare opportunity.
Thank you all for your responses and recommendations.

Redglobe, I agree with your assessment regarding the causes of sibilance. I have tweaked, and tweaked, and tweaked. One day (it's amazing how the ah ha moment in life can take some time), I threw in a CD in my Arcam CD-player and confirmed that it's not the TT, but it still could be the room, the stuff in the room, the speakers, the pre-amp (old Mac C32), or one of many other factors, but I don't think it's the TT. My dealer and I have an excellent relationship where he will allow me to try a few carts out prior to purchasing. I'm going to take each of your recommendations and try a few. I'll post my decision when it is make. Thank you all again!
Thank you all for your responses. At this point, I would like to borrow about 10 carts, listen a month to each, and then make a decision. Pursuing such a cause is obviously not practical. I like the idea of a wood body cart, simply common sense tells me that it should be less harsh that plastic or metal.

Dweller, It never dawned on me that living in a highly populated area can cause RF feedback through my cables. Thank you for pointing out that potential issue. I'm using Analysis Plus cables, the inexpensive $100.00 cable as my interconnects as well as my source cables. Since my system has developed from a 5.1 channel to a 2 channel system, I at one time had to purchase many cables which even at $100.00 a pop was expensive.

This hobby is a joy as well as incredibly frustrating. So many choices and getting it "right" seems to cost quote a bit.

Thank you all again for your help. I will post an update once I have my new cartridge.


I have another question: What do you guys think about the Denon 304? I have a friend that works at Denon and can pick up anything Denon or Marantz for half price.

Thanks again!
Thanks Storyboy, I agree that the recording plays a large part in what we hear. As I type this, I'm listening to The Doors, Live In New York - Felt Forum and Morrison's vocals present an immense amount of sibilance in his "S's" and it's driving me close to insanity!

I find your statement regarding the speakers brightness not being attributed to accuracy. When I do purchase another pair of speakers, I will never buy anything that has titanium tweeters. I've heard a bunch of different brands of speakers and love the Harbeth's. I can say that I used to have my Focal's angled in, they are now dead on straight. The soundstage improved greatly and has controlled the sibilance to some degree on different recordings. The only reason I even own the Focal's is I bought them for half price.

I truly think I need to revamp a number of items in my system but a new cartridge with my current budget seems like the best place to start.

Thank you all for the continued responses. My phono preamp is a Dynavector P-75. I'm close to making a decision and think I'm going to borrow a Dynavector 20X2 and see how I like the way it sounds. I figure if I can get a hold of one to try for free, I've got nothing to lose. I do like the idea of selling my speakers and purchasing something not as bright as the Focal's but one thing at a time. Since I have access to the Dynavector, I'll see how it does with my current setup.

Thank you all again, I will update this post when I obtain the Dynavector and let you all know what I think.
I received a response from a seller that stated with my phono pre P-75 the Transfiguration Temper Supreme would be an amazing match. He's selling it for $1,300.00 which is above my price range, but is a consideration. I know nothing about this cartridge and was wondering if anyone here could explain the differences between the XX-2 and Transfiguration. The problem with having too many choices is one can never make a choice! Ahh this hobby....

Thank you for the recommendation. I know exactly where Park Ave. Audio is. Actually it's two blocks North of Les Halles, one of those boisterous NY restaurants and one of my favorites!

Thanks again!
Jperry, Roscoeiii, Jmcgrogan2, Jmcgrogan2,

Thank you for providing your input, your advice is incredibly insightful and helpful in making this decision.

To clarify, my speakers are JM Focal 936 Elektra's and IMO they are on the bright side and sibilance is an issue on many of the vinyl recordings I own. I'm also finding that separation can be skewed resulting in music simply not being all that engaging. I believe the issues are threefold since I have built my system over many years based on good deals and not matching the components:

1. My amp is a McIntosh 7205 connected to a McIntosh C32 preamp. The preamp definitely needs to be replaced but I'd like to retain tone controls as well as a passive output so I can have the best of both worlds with 2-channel vinyl and 5.1 channel movies for that rare occasion. The McIntosh C2300 has it all and is tube which is the direction I'd like to go in (open to suggestions here as well).

2. I picked up my speakers brand new for 1/2 price 7 years ago when my old JBL L100T's baffles finally blew out. It was a poor decision, but filled a need and when a dealer calls you up and says I've got a pair of 6K speakers for 3K because of a scratch on the back on one, it's hard to resist.

3. At this point in time, my budget is around 1K which directly points at a new cartridge. The speakers and amp combo are more than likely going to run around 8K and I think replacing the speakers after the cartridge is a must (I can sell my Focal's for around 2K so that offsets some of the cost).

Long story short, I am 100% positive that the new speakers I choose will be on the warm side, I am staying away form titanium tweeters no matter what. I really like the sound of Harbeth's as well as Dynaudio's (also open to suggestions here).

I listen to Indie rock, classic rock, jazz, bluegrass and some chamber music. The only music I don't listen to is pop, rap, and very very little classical. I realize how difficult it is to match a system based on the fact that I listen to a wide variety of music.

The bottom line: I would like to pick up a cart for around 1K that does well in the areas of the music I listen to. It doesn't have to be perfect, just better. And the main immediate goal is to control the brightness and sibilance but also keeping mind that within the next year I'll be replacing the speakers and probably the pre-amp. This simply may not be possible, but I'd like to think I can get close or at least improve my current situation. I am leaning towards the XX-2 from what I've read and from the incredible feedback I've received here.

Thanks again guys, this is truly a remarkable repository for research and advice from folks involved in a hobby that really bites back when you make a poor decision since everything is expensive!



I agree with both of you, I've had difficulty coming to the conclusion that it's my speakers, but I think you are correct. The rest of my system is a McIntosh 7205 5-channel amp that I'm only using 2 channels presently. I have two pre's, a Meridian 565 which I am not using and a McIntosh C32 which is old and should be replaced. I don't think it's the Mac gear that's causing the harshness. I really think it's the speakers. The Focal's do not have beryllium, those were the BE models and were 2K additional. I have the titanium tweeter model. My old JBL's had titanium tweeters as well. I am sure of one thing, I am never buying speakers with metal tweeters again!

I love that idea! I know exactly the dots you are speaking of. I have tested the harshness in the highs with my Arcam CD-Player as well as my iPod with identical albums and the highs are as harsh. Two years ago when I got back into my vinyl collection I performed this test. This is also why I'm sure the issue resides in my speakers. I have a pair of Wharfedale 10.2's in my office. I may bring them home for a simple test. I'm going to head to my dealer to start listening to speakers so I can start narrowing down speaker selection (which is a whole other realm of exploration).

I read that same review. I used to toe-in my Focal's and after tweaking inch by inch, straight forward is definitely best with these speakers.


I've decided to put a hold on the cartridge and focus my energies and time to save up for a new pair of speakers. After reading all these incredibly insightful posts I'm definitely convinced that I simply do not like the way my speakers sound (bass is excellent, but that's it). One post stated not to upgrade the cart because that's where my budget is right now. I was looking for the quick fix because the harshness really annoys me. Patience will reap rewards, speakers are the next purchase. I'm thinking Harbeth, Dynaudio, Spendor, any thoughts on a nice pair of speakers without the harshness? Does anyone know anything about the Anthony Gallo 3.5's? They receive excellent accolades and are not all that expensive.

Thanks again to everyone for all the feedback. This has been truly informative.


Occasionally with some recordings the JM's sound fantastic! Typically it's with jazz or anything without vocals. Due to the sibilance issues and the harshness in the highs, all vocals are not enjoyable. Separation is also a nice trait of the JM's. I do listen loud occasionally, I have my moments where I just have to listen to some old Queesnryche or Iron Maiden! Most of what I listen to is indie rock, classic rock, jazz, and some chamber music. Some favorites are Wilco, Sufjan Stevens, Miles Davis, Andreas Vollenweider, Neil Young, Stan Getz, Frank Zappa, I think you get the idea. My range is 4K-6K used or new. Of course I'd like to stay closer to the 4K range.

A buddy of mine bought a pair of Martin-Logan Motion series on my recommendation and the retailer had them on sale for 50% off. When I listened to them, I was really impressed by the smooth quality of the highs. As a matter of fact I was a little pissed that my speakers retail for 6K and he spent 500 bucks and they sound better (at least in the highs). Anyway, I went online and discovered the method in which they are manufactured. It's very interesting how they layer and fold over the materials to create the tweeter. And it's logical that the sound produced is smoother than metal domes. When I was in my teens I remember Infinity speakers being very popular due to the ribbon tweeters. Back then they were one piece of ribbon that only handled approximately 2 watts. Hence, people that were turning up their rock were blowing the tweeters. Infinities response was to insert an array of multiple ribbons.
What about the Anthony Gallo 3.5's? Has anyone listened yet? I saw them at the NYC show this past April but didn't give them a run since the room was too crowded.
Thanks Johnnyb53,

I don't remember what series from Infinity, I was probably 13/14 years old at that time.

I'm definitely going to audition the Golden Ear's and the others that contain the "folded tweeter" design and looking very forward to it.

I bought a pair of Wharfedale 10.2's for my office and I have to say, they're impressive for 500 bucks. I've got them connected to a Marantz PM5004 which is perfectly sufficient for an office and I was keeping my office budget below 1K (which is the first time I've ever stuck to a budget with audio gear!).
Thanks guys, I'm in NYC which is no where near Phoenix for a listen of the Proac's. Devore are sold by my local dealer as well as Devore, and Dynaudio. I don't know much about any three of them, but will definitely give them a listen. I would love to listen to some Proac's, but I see that could be an issue given the fact that none of the dealers in NYC seem to sell them.



I bought an RP5 from John in Verona. I attempted to contact him several times throughout the following week to make an appointment to check on the order for the spacer for my cart as well as setup a time for the following weekend to swing by for one of his guys to perform the work. The first two phone calls I attempted with him, he was either eating lunch or busy, stated he'd call me back and did not. The third call, he practically hung up on me. I returned the TT the following Saturday. Unfortunately my experience with John was not the positive one most people seem to have. I'm reluctant to deal with him in the future, but will if it's the only place to hear the Proac's.

Thanks again everyone!
Turns out my favorite dealer, In Living Stereo now sells Spendor but stopped selling Harbeth. There are not any Proac dealers anywhere near me so over the course of the next couple of weeks I'm going to listen to the Spendor's and the Harbeth's. I listened to a pair of Monitor Audio's and Atom's over this past weekend and thought the MA's were nice but missing something and the Atom's were not good at all (IMO). I've read quite a bit regarding the Spendor's and the Harbeth's and think it's basically going to come down to my ears and what I like. so the search continues, I'll keep everyone posted on what I like.

Thanks again everyone for all the input.
Hey everyone, since we kind of got off topic in this thread where it has turned more towards speakers than a cart for under 1K, I'm going to start a new post named, "New Speakers for under 5K"

Thanks again for all your help.
