New Look for Audiogon hard to work with

Is there a way to undo the "tile" look? It was a lot easier to work with the text list. 

Showing 2 responses by wlutke

As a seller you can buy a listing boost to remove the keyhole. They’ve created a problem you can solve only by sending them cash. Greed, greed, greed. I’m surprised there’s no option for the shopper to pay those keyholes away.
I’ve bought and sold here for years but it’s Audios/Gone now.

The first Bandwidth (Boost) charge.  1/10 of 1 cent per view of your own paid-for ad.  Isn't that what the listing fee is supposed to cover - viewing (not obscuring) of your ad?   We pay sales commission (percentage-of-sale) for a CLASSIFIED AD.  As consumers,  we should expect all perks be included, not excluded.  What is the percentage-of-sale fee for anyway, if not that?