New Music vs. New Equipment

I assume that many people are like me in that we are always looking to optimize our audio systems. Unfortunately, to do so can require spending thousands of dollars. Furthermore, when all is said and done, the system sounds better, but it's never going to sound like real musicians playing real music. At what point is it better to leave the equipment alone and instead purchase more music? As an example, will I be better off spending $2,500 on new bi-wire cables, or should I buy 125 (@ $20 each) new albums? The new cables have the potential to make the 2,500 albums I already own sound marginally better, yet 125 new albums should yeild some great music. Which way should I go?

Showing 2 responses by sedond

even tho i have only ~1000 albums & ~100 cd's, it's prolly all i'd really *need*, as i have some stuff that hasn't seen daylight for at least a year, if not longer. but, i still go to the record shops every now-n-again, yust cuz it's fun to put something gnu on the platter.

but, i have a 1st-quality tuna & two excellent radio stations, so a lot of listening i do is via the fm format. if yuve never heard a truly hi-quality tuna broadcasting a good stations' signal, ya mite wanna inwest some hardware dollars *there* - then, yure getting *lotsa* free software! ;~)

regards, doug

hi nil,

i use an onix bwd1 tuna w/soap power-supply. i've heard the nec, & it's decent, but not in the same class, imho. i haven't heard the etude, but the 101 is nice. i still like my onix better. i also have a revox b-261 that compares favorably w/my onix, in a second system. the onix is a bit warmer-sounding than the revox, which i prefer. both show up used occasionally, for less $$$ than a used magnum 101. for antenna, i use an aps ap-13 ( my reception area is poor - i'm on the bottom of a ~1800' ridge, on the western side, w/the stations i listen to ~60 miles to the east. this set-up is the only thing that works.

preamp is a melos music director, cable from tuna-to-pre is an all-silver kimber clone.

ya, i get cd-like performance - if wpfw is playing a cd... ;~) the warmth of the onix & the warmth of the melos more than compensate!

regards, doug

ps-i guess there's fm-haters out there, yudging by the negative feedback i received on my prior post here. oh well...