New Von Schweikert VR SR4 mk11 Cream or Crap ???

It is hard to find a recent review of these speakers.
The few comments I been able to find on the Mk 11 version is that they are either very good or very bad.
All reviews seem to like the bass response, that is a good thing, but what about all the other qualities ?
Like treble, midrange, dynamics, soundstage , etc.

I am really interested in these (I like the way the look )but I have no way to audition them in the southeast corner of Michigan.

So, please anyone that can give an honest opinion of the speakers sonic qualities would be appreciated.

If your comments sound like a winner, I may hop on a plane to hear them somewhere.
If it is the same as the jr, the spike thread is an M8. I looked for a while for something more substantial (read: less pot metal) to no avail. If I was more ambitious, I would probably just replace the threaded inserts with a size that would accept a higher quality spike.
I would like to put in a word of clarification about Albert. I am currently reviewing the VR SR4 MkII. I have tried to contain my comments only to technical helps so as not to cause any issue of non-disclosure. I have made no comments on my personal feelings about the speakers.

I spoke with Albert today about the review and while I had him on the phone told him of the difficulties audiophiles are having with customer relations. Albert is no longer in control of those aspects of the company. He is now acting as the design guru and no longer controls the company's tech personel who would address phone system problems, etc. They only became aware of this issue about 1 week ago, but even as a reviewer I have had difficulties getting through. It is NOT for lack of concern on Albert's part. It seems as though the company is going through some growing pains.
I have no interest in debating on the issue of the quality of Von Schweikert customer relations or support; I'm merely relaying Albert's clarification that he's not ignoring customers! He said that they receive 2-3 calls per minute now. When he had a smaller shop he'd take calls personally at a rate of 2-3 per day; since the infusion of investment capital to pump it up to a $100m company he's now in an entirely different capacity with the company he started. He is spending his time on design, not operations. So, people should not call expecting that Albert will be available to consult them. In talking with him, I sensed he laments that he cannot do that anymore. He seems to get a real joy in answering questions and solving problems in audio. I hope this helps shed some light on the issue.
...or perhaps an "easy out" tap bit might remove the grommet and another, a wee bit larger can then be inserted as a replacement. I've used the "easy-out" to remove busted bolts and screws where you couldn't lock onto them with anything like pliers or vise grips.

Finding out if the outside of the insert is threaded or not, and how they are first set into the module will be helpful I'm sure.
Douglas Thanks for sharing your perspective on what is going on at VS. I am eager to see the review. Do you kno where and when will it appear?