The Whipped Cream Lady from Herb Alpert's album

The photograph of the woman covered in whipped cream on Herb Ålpert's "Whipped Cream and Other Delights" album is one of the iconic images from the golden age of LPs.

Here's the story of how the picture was made and what became of her from my hometown paper (where I happen to work.)
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Thanks for posting this. I have been fond of that lp cover since seeing it for the first time.
I have two framed "classic" album covers on my listening room wall. WCAOD is one of them and has not changed. The other one changes from time to time.
08-21-12: Hotmailjbc
what teenage boy from the 1960s could get that cover out of his mind?

The now picture helps...
Loved that album. I was eight. The cover kind of was over my head at the time.